Welcome to week thirty! - Stork Advisor

The Third Trimester

In this section, we will present information week by week about how your baby is growing, symptoms that you may be experiencing, thoughts to consider and tips for a healthy pregnancy.

Welcome to week thirty!

If you are registered for childbirth classes, they are probably about to start, and you will be meeting with other couples at the same stage of their pregnancies.

Don’t forget to consider breastfeeding and infant care classes if available in your community. If you are having a baby boy, you and your partner might be discussing the decision to circumcise or not. It is a good time to choose a pediatrician if you have not already done so. Your baby is swimming around in about 1.5 pints of amnionic fluid now.

This is a good time to choose a pediatrician if you have not already done so.

How my Baby Grows

Symptoms Mama may Feel or Experience

Thoughts to Consider

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Dr. Cheryl Sharp,
Certified Nurse Midwife
Chief Content Officer