Welcome to week two! - Stork Advisor

The First Trimester

In this section, we will present information week by week about how your baby is growing, symptoms that you may be experiencing, thoughts to consider and tips for a healthy pregnancy.

Welcome to week two!

By the end of this week, you may release an egg (ovulate) so that it can meet with a sperm to become fertilized. You may not feel any different but amazing things are happening!

Some women do experience certain symptoms that help you realize your body is at work to accomplish the necessary changes. Your uterine lining is thickening and preparing to support the pregnancy as it moves down your fallopian tube towards it new home. Human life begins at fertilization, approximately 14 days since your period started and before you know that you are pregnant.

Your uterine lining is thickening and preparing to support the pregnancy as it moves down your fallopian tube towards it new home.

How my Baby Grows

Symptoms Mama may Feel or Experience

Thoughts to Consider

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Dr. Cheryl Sharp,
Certified Nurse Midwife
Chief Content Officer