Welcome to week twenty eight! - Stork Advisor

The Third Trimester

In this section, we will present information week by week about how your baby is growing, symptoms that you may be experiencing, thoughts to consider and tips for a healthy pregnancy.

Welcome to week twenty eight!

You made it! You are entering your final trimester. The 28th week is filled with hope as your baby continues to grow and develop.

You will have very important blood work drawn during or around this week and begin doing something called fetal movement counts. The excitement is building and you are starting to imagine what it will be like to be a mom.

If you haven’t already entered your family and friends into My Story on StorkAdvisor you will want to do so now in order to keep them updated on your progress and notify them when you go into labor.

How my Baby Grows

Symptoms Mama may Feel or Experience

Thoughts to Consider

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Dr. Cheryl Sharp,
Certified Nurse Midwife
Chief Content Officer