Welcome to week thirteen! - Stork Advisor

The Second Trimester

In this section, we will present information week by week about how your baby is growing, symptoms that you may be experiencing, thoughts to consider and tips for a healthy pregnancy.

Welcome to week thirteen!

You are in your second trimester now and are a third of the way through your pregnancy!

This is usually the easiest trimester because you may be feeling as if you have more energy now and hopefully the nausea and/or vomiting is better. Enjoy this time! The baby is definitely growing, but not so much that you can’t see your feet or reach the steering wheel of your car when driving. That will come later. Your breasts are enlarging, and fullness may cause you to purchase new bras if you have not done this already.

The second trimester is usually the easiest because you may be feeling as if you have more energy now and hopefully the nausea and/or vomiting is better.

How my Baby Grows

Symptoms Mama may Feel or Experience

Thoughts to Consider

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Your prenatal visits are an important part of sustaining a healthy pregnancy

Dr. Cheryl Sharp,
Certified Nurse Midwife
Chief Content Officer