The Days and Weeks Following Birth - Stork Advisor
Postpartum Health

The Days and Weeks Following Birth

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The joy that your baby will bring is simply unimaginable, so do not let the afterpains of delivery interfere with your bliss. During the next few days and weeks after birth, your body will be working to recover from months' of work that caused uterine and ligament stretching. You will feel discomfort due to normal, healthy changes that must occur as you heal. Managing your pain during this time is a priority and will allow you to enjoy this new journey into motherhood.


Cramping occurs after you deliver your baby as your uterus works to get back down to its pre-pregnancy size. These cramps can be pretty intense and stronger than your normal period cramps. Below are a few important tips.

Laceration or Episiotomy

A laceration occurs when the tissue between your vagina and anus, called the perineum experiences a tear due to excessive stretching during birth. An episiotomy is a surgical cut created by your provider when needed to assist in the delivery of your baby. Both are usually repaired while you bond with your baby after birth. Whether your tear or cut is minor or major, there are ways to manage your pain.


Whether a cesarean delivery was a part of your birth plan or not, managing the pain following major surgery is important to your recovery.

Dalina Walker, RN, MSN, Newborn Nurse
Dalina was born and raised in Virgina where she currently lives with her family. She earned both her Associates and Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Norfolk State University. She then went onto earn her Masters of Science in Nursing Educator from Liberty University. She is a postpartum and nursery nurse who loves to pour into the journey of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood.