Welcome to week eight! - Stork Advisor

The First Trimester

In this section, we will present information week by week about how your baby is growing, symptoms that you may be experiencing, thoughts to consider and tips for a healthy pregnancy.

Welcome to week eight!

This week your baby will start to move inside your uterus in the amniotic fluid that your body has produced.

Lungs and the nervous system continue to develop, and your baby is about the size of a kidney bean now. Your first trimester hormones are peaking and symptoms like nausea, fatigue and breast tenderness along with some mild cramping are common. If you have an appointment with your provider, you will have very important labs drawn. Somewhere between now and the next 2 weeks is the best time to date your pregnancy by ultrasound and you may have your first real peak at your baby’s temporary home if you do. The pregnancy feels very real for many women by now and the hormonal changes may also be affecting your moods in unexpected ways.

Your first trimester hormones are peaking and symptoms like nausea, fatigue and breast tenderness along with some mild cramping are common.

How my Baby Grows

Symptoms Mama may Feel or Experience

Thoughts to Consider

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Dr. Cheryl Sharp,
Certified Nurse Midwife
Chief Content Officer